1534 Kanata

Board Of Directors


Alan Ozawanimke

President / Director

Gehtigeh Animke Beneseh (Spotted Thunderbird) of the Bear Clan, Alan Ozawanimke experienced a career in public service and accomplished businessperson who most recently served as elected Chief of Sagamok Anishnawbek; Owner of Yellow Thunder Trucking, a career embarkment that emerged after serving 30 years in public administration and politics.

Earning a diploma in Business Administration and Undergraduate Degree in Public Administration, a career of serving as Executive Director for Algonquins of Pikwakanagan; served in simultaneous capacity of Chief Executive Officer for the Union of Ontario Indians, Anishnabek Nation Management Group Inc. and Seventh Generation Charities Inc. Alan also served as Chief Executive Officer for the Northshore Tribal Council before continuing his public administration career for Sagamok Anishnawbek, Z’gamok Enterprises Inc and Sagamok Development Corporation as Chief Executive Officer. Alan has served on numerous boards and committees during his public service tenure.

Alan is an avid outdoor person; coaching and supporting minor sports, spending much of his personal time in the interior territory of Sagamok Anishnawbek, hunting, fishing, reflecting and ceremony.


Duke Peltier

Duke Peltier’s commitment to serve his people is demonstrated by his current role as Ogimaa (Chief) of Wiikwemkoong Unceded Territory, serving in his fifth consecutive term.

He has amassed a tremendous amount of local, regional and national engagement and experience in service to the peoples of Wiikwemkoong. This has proven to be of great benefit and progress to his community/people and subsequently to other neighboring and partnering communities, stakeholders and people.

Duke demonstrates successful leadership in many areas including tackling the challenges faced by youth and education issues, resource management, economic development and healthcare. He has also and continues to be a strong advocate on Anishinaabe language and culture revitalization and retention. He is a fluent speaker of the Anishinaabemowin language.

Mr. Peltier has been continually called upon to advocate for the children of the Anishinabek Nation in his role as its Children’s Commissioner, and by the Chiefs of Ontario, to guide its participation in language revitalization efforts of the Indigenous Languages Act.

Duke served the broader community of Northern Ontario as a Board Regent at the University of Sudbury as well as being an Advisory Council member of the Northern Policy Institute.

Harvey Trudeau

Harvey Trudeau (A.K.A. Wasageshik) is an elder member of the Sagamok Anishnawbek First Nation. 

Wasagesik is currently employed by the weecheetowin support services as a cultural support person/emotional support and holds the position as chairperson of the elder (Skitchi-Anishnawbek) council and current member of Sagamok’s Chief & Council. 

During the time of his involvement in Indigenous issues since 1980 Wasageshik has been an advocate of Ojibway language and cultural revival and a proponent of self-sufficiency.

 Harvey has served in various capacities; after serving as chief of Sagamok Ansihanwbek from 1984-1990. Harvey has served as councilor for Sagamok, North Shore Tribal Council, Anishnawbek Nation, Aboriginal Healing Foundation, and the Assembly of First Nations. 

Harvey has served as chairperson of the Waubetek Business Development Corporation, serving the Financial and economic needs of 27 First Nations. As chairperson of the Board of Directors our role was; review business proposals from entrepreneur members of the First Nations and to ascertain the viability of the business plans.


Paul Eshkakogan


Paul was elected as Chief of the Sagamok Anishnawbek in October of 2005 and served until August 2018. He also served as the Lake Huron Regional Grand Chief from June 2015 to June 2018.

During his tenure, Paul provided leadership in building successful community owned businesses. Mr. Eshkakogan was key negotiator for completing a number of Impact and Benefit Agreements (IBA’s) with Vale Canada Limited, KGHM International, Ursa Major Minerals and continues to provide advice regarding resource development projects within Sagamok’s Traditional Territory. Paul continues to assist in building partnerships with businesses in the Northeastern region.


Adam Pawis


Adam Pawis is from Shawanaga First Nation, located on the eastern shores of Georgian Bay. As an Anishinabek “I focus on the land and water”. “I believe we are entrusted to look after Mother Earth by the Creator”. Mr. Pawis is the current Chief of Shawanaga First Nation with a current term of four years. Adam graduated high school and have had the opportunity to have various experiences in the University of Life. 

Mr. Pawis currently sits on a number of Boards in the region which include, Westwind Forest Stewardship -  French Severn Forest, Anishinabek Police Governing Authority, CB&DC of Parry Sound, Ontario First Nation Economic Developers Association. Previous experience include the Economic Development Officer at Magnetawan First Nation, and Various positions in the Cottage Construction and Service Industry over a twenty year period. 

One of his greatest passions and aspirations is to be a part of the development of the necessary elements to increase and continually restore the Indigenous Economy and Trade system of Turtle Island. Through this work we will be able to collectively ensure the foundation of a holistic economy to support our citizens for the generations to follow in our footsteps along this path. “Together we will forge a destiny for Our People to be proud of through perseverance and prosperity”.


Nelson Toulouse


Nelson is currently retired after serving his people for many years. He is dedicated to his family and his grandchildren. Nelson called Sagamok his home for many years. He has lived in other parts of Canada notably Alberta in the early 1980’s. He and his partner managed a cattle and poultry operation. He also worked for the Athabaska Tribal Counsel in Northern Alberta. Nelson served as Chief of Sagamok on several terms and as a councilor for approximately two decades.

Mr. Toulouse has served organizations such as, North Shore Tribal Council, Assembly of First Nations, Union of Ontario Indians, Anishinabek Nation, Chiefs of Ontario, Anishinabek Mushkegowuk Onkewehonwe Language Commission of Ontario, Sagamok Development Corporation, Anishinabek Polices Services Board, Z’gamok Enterprises Inc., Robinson Huron Treaty working group.

It has been an honor serving these groups and organizations as chairman, board member, chief commissioner, deputy grand chief and advisor

I had the privilege of presenting to the Permanent Forum at the UN on the subject of Indigenous Languages in my capacity as a member of AFN’s Language Committee”.

I also served as the AFN representative at the World Indigenous Education Forum in New Zealand.

I currently serve as member of the Elder’s Council here in Sagamok. I have been a languages advocate in all of my career and continue to do so!


Nikki Manitowabi

Nikki Manitowabi, is a member of Wiikwemkoong Unceded Territory. She has her MBA from Athabascau University with an undergraduate degree in Commerce from Laurentian University. She has 7 years of executive management experience with the Anishinabek Nation (the Union of Ontario Indians), 7 years of financial experience as the CFO with Wiikwemkoong and for the last 13 years, has been actively involved in economic development and business development. She brings with her administrative experience, proposal development and has successfully worked collaboratively within project teams to realize many projects to fruition.

Contact Us

1534 Kanata Inc.
610 Sagamok Road, Unit 8
Sagamok Anishnawbek, Ontario 
P0P 2L0

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